
Centroplast Engineering Plastics GmbH

Unterm Ohmberg 1
34431 Marsberg

Tel.: +49 2992 9704-700
Fax: +49 2992 9704-730

Managing director:

Stefan Katzenmayer, Dr. Raino Rieseler

Responsible for the contents of this site according to § 10 Abs. 3 MDStV:

Stefan Katzenmayer, Dr. Raino Rieseler


All information on this website reflects our current state of knowledge and is intended to inform customers about our products and possible applications for them (errors and printing errors excepted). This website does not legally ensure specific properties for the products or their suitablity for any specific purpose. We accept no liability for the application, working or other use of our products or the consequences resulting therefrom. The buyer shall be obligated to inspect the quality and properties of the products; they accept full responsibility for the selection, use, and working of the products and the use of information and the consequences therefrom. Any existing industrial property rights of third parties must be taken into account. We under no circumstances grant, accept, or support the use of our semi-finished products for applications dealing with implants in human bodies. We guarantee the proper quality of our products within the frame of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Liability Note

Despite our thorough verification, no liabilities are assumed for the contents of external links. Contents of external websites underlie to the responsibility of the respective operator.


Copyright Centroplast Engineering Plastics GmbH. All rights reserved. Text, photos and figures are subject to copyright and intellectual property laws.